Ruby Day 1 — Set up rbenv and Simple Rails
Back to code. Note for me, maybe help someone else.

I have written this article since March 2020 when I was unemployed by the impact of the Covid Crisis.
After that I got jobs and had a long marathon working as a Product Manager, so today in June 2021, I want to back to code and relax my thought.
I found what I wrote since last year, still useful for me now.
So I want to finish this article.
Start ….
☑️ macOS → I use iTerm2 Terminal tool (why? check here! )
☑️ iTerm2 + zsh (you can use bash instead of zsh) to install all you need for coding.
☑️ Installed brew
I did it a long time ago so I just check the update;
$ brew update
$ brew doctor
☑️ Install rbenv
rbevn lets you install and run multiple versions of Ruby side-by-side
$ brew install rbenv( or $ brew upgrade rbenv ruby-build )
❌ I got “Error: The following directories are not writable by your user: /usr/local/Frameworks” — → but I didn’t do as it suggested. I solve it by
$ sudo mkdir /usr/local/Frameworks
$ sudo chown $(whoami):admin /usr/local/Frameworks
☑️ Set up rbenv, some steps to do 😊
# 1: Set up rbenv in your shell.
$ rbenv init# 2: Add path rbenv and enable shims and auto-complete on ~/.zshrc (or ~/.bashrc #if you use bash)
$ echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc
$ echo 'eval "$(rbenv init -)"' >> ~/.zshrc# 3: Apply the change to shell
$ source ~/.zshrc# 4: Ensure it works.
$ which ruby
(It should shows /Users/<username>/.rbenv/shims/ruby)# 5(optional): Check rbenv is working using rbenv-doctor (same for both zsh and bash)
$ curl -fsSL | bash# 6: List all available versions
$ rbenv install -l# 7: Install Ruby versions (I installed 2 versions)
$ rbenv install 2.7.3
$ rbenv install 3.0.1# 8: Make the default for the system
$ rbenv global 3.0.1# 9: Check Ruby version of the system, it should be ruby 3.0.1p64 ..
$ ruby -v
( If your rbenv global doesn’t work, check here it works!)
☑️ So now you are ready to code Ruby
❗️But … on my old laptop, it already had RVM which I already forgot. It causes some errors and I spent a few hours finding the solutions. Last year, I already published the solutions here.
RBENV: Cannot install some ruby versions — Error: unknown type name ‘lzma_bool’.
RBENV: Working tree error when rbenv install some ruby versions on macOS Catalina.
☑️ Let’s start the first Tiny ruby project.
Switch ruby version for your local environment;
I have rbenv install Ruby on a few versions.
$ rbenv versions
# It shows all 2 versions I installed
I will select the local environment to be ruby version 3.0.1
$ rbenv local 3.0.1
$ rbenv version
# It shows the version is using
☑️ Installed Rails
# Set no documents when install any ruby package
$ echo "gem: --no-document" > ~/.gemrc# Install bundler
$ sudo gem install bundler# Install Rails
$ gem install rails# To apply what you just installed.
$ rbenv rehash# Check Rails version (My version is Rails )
$ rails -v
☑️ After this, I will create a new web application with rails, by following the step here, it works.
Tada! I’m on Rails.
I will continue the next story on Ruby Day 2 — VS Code and Rails.